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本学期研究生教学部为翻译硕士学生特邀来自美国蒙特雷国际研究院、中国外文局、宁夏外事翻译室、宁夏农牧厅、無料ポイント ギャンブル人文学院、译博雅翻译公司等长期从事口笔译实践、翻译教学与研究、文化外宣等领域的专业人士为学生开设讲座,并由学生参与现场口译。诚邀对翻译实践与教学感兴趣的本科生、研究生和教师积极参与。

MTI Forum on T&I Practice

This semester the Graduate Students Section of SFLC will invite scholars and professionals for lectures and exchange focused on T&I practice, T&I teaching and research and cultural promotion and publicity. The lecturers will be from the Monterey Institute of International Studies of the United States, China International Publishing Group (CIPG),Translation and Interpretation Office of Ningxia Foreign Affairs Office, Ningxia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, School of Humanities of Ningxia University, Yiboya Translation Agency, and etc. This forum is a perfect combination of excellent lectures and students translation and interpreting practice, providing a valuable platform to know the translation market, sharpen translation skills, and share translation experiences. Students and teachers interested in translation are warmly welcomed to attend.